Jockin' Your Style: M.I.A.

M.I.A. is the cover girl and feature for next month's Complex magazine and as always, she has quite a bit to say.  The following is the first paragraph to the interview, which is extremely eye-opening, to say the least. Click the link to read the full article.

"Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam doesn't trust Google. Sure, the company's motto is "Don't be evil," but she's not fooled. He who controls information controls power, and she's never been one to relinquish control easily. After a childhood spent missing an activist father who was on the lam from the Sri Lankan government, she came to music after touring with a band as a videographer—and then created a global fanbase before she'd ever done a live show..."

Click here to read the full article in June's issue of Complex
M.I.A.'s third album drops July 13, 2010 and is called /\/\/\Y/\, which spells out her name.  She's keeping with the title tradition she started with 2005's LP titled Arular (named after her father), and 2007's Kala, which is named for her mother. Here's a link to the website.

Below is my new favorite song XXXO! Check it out. 
Click here for the link to the video, Born Free.  I have to warn you (even though the video contains a warning) this video is extremely graphic.  If you're not familiar with M.I.A., now is the time to become familiar. She is a VERY politically-driven force and will not be tamed or censored when it comes to her views on war, genocide, and freedom. The video is very symbolic; interpret as you will.  I do recommend skimming through the viewer comments under the video for more input. I felt extreme discomfort while watching, but it made me realize how good I have life in America.  Religions, Races, and Cultures are being killed off everyday like this around the world, you have the luxury of not having to watch it on television. 

Think about it.

Fashion Foie Gras: Louis Vuitton Maison London Store Opening Press Preview 2010

Fashion Foie Gras is one of my daily reads in the blogging world. Click here for the absolutely beautiful post that covers the store opening for Louis Vuitton in London. I just had to share. Salut to Louis V and Fashion Foie Gras!

Fashionable Fencing ~ "En garde. Etes-vous prêts? Allez!"

Fencing has been around for centuries, in many forms and many cultures. Evidence of the sport dates back to Ancient Egyptian times with duels that took place in a temple near Luxor, Egypt. The first known fencing manual and techniques were developed around 1471 A.D., in Spain and spread throughout Europe. Popularity grew with the Italians, who began extensive use of the Rapier, the slender, sharply pointed sword used when dueling. Below are several haute couture editorials showcasing the lovely sport. 

Check out sexy Olympic Medalists Tim Morehouse and Jason Rogers below.  I know what you're thinking, you wouldn't mind getting 'fenced' in!
Tim Morehouse & Sean Buckley for Esquire
Jason Rogers
Mmmm, yummy!

Evolution of the Species in Ella Italia November 2008

I'm normally not a fan of skulls in fashion, however, I stumbled upon this editorial from Elle Italia and fell in love with the Goth, the skeletons, the Chemistry!    

I'm in LOVE!

Images via

I know you've already seen the trailer to the movie, but for those that live under a rock, here you go:

Jockin' Your Style: Nina Sky

We all remember these twins from the 2004 jam Move Ya Body.  They changed up their style and are rockin' some new Fresh.  Check them out on Facebook and MySpace.

Throwback video for Move Ya Body circa 2004

Stina Persson, Magnifique!